We love supporting designers who create amazing crochet patterns. We are currently looking for designers who want to promote their business.

As of 6/24/24 we have the following traffic to help you get your content seen:

Traffic stats:

  • 6,100 followers on Facebook and we add about 100 daily
  • 1000 email subscribers with a 40% open rate (we add about 25-30 daily)
  • 20,000 views monthly to our blog
  • Active Pinterest creates 9,000 clicks monthly of our blog posts

We use Manychat on Facebook so people comment and get links in messenger vs adding a link in the description which decreases what people see.

What’s included in our promotion:

  • Blog post written that highlights 10 of your patterns. (must be in the same category)
  • 4 Social media posts throughout 1 month to drive traffic to your products
  • 1 email blast for the month that highlights your product via the blog post
  • 2 Pinterest pins highlighting your content during the month


$29 for all of the above

Get started below